Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our June Tickle Your Taste Buds Special!

S'Mores Brownie Mix is amazing!

Hi everyone! It has been way too long since I was here and I hope everyone is happy and well. I am working hard as usual and LOVING it. Spring is such an amazing time of awakening and renewal. We are in our new home and having so much fun making it our own. My husband has found a new love for working in the yard. It's a treat to watch he and our grandsons mowing "together", and trimming the bushes. Aidan pushes around an old mower and Eric pulls weeds from around the patio border. I am planting flowers again, my own little piece of Heaven. Gratitude is plentiful right now. God is every where.

This has been an amazing time to be a Country Gourmet home consultant too. As the business continues to flourish, the quality, convenience, and yumminess of out CGH products become a larger part of my family's life.   The affordability is so important right now, and being able to shop for products that don't make my wallet wail like a Banshee is a luxury.

Our Country Gourmet Home Summer fare is amazing, cutting time spent in hot kitchens and making more time for my family. I was yet again impressed last week.I had decided to prepare CGH S'mores brownies to take to work and share the next day, but the day got away from me and I found myself up way too late and feeling a whole lot of tired and sore. Grumbling, I grabbed the brownie mix bag from the cabinet and peered with one eye open at the dreaded directions for baking.

Wait...WHAT? Add a half a cup of water, stir, pour, sprinkle S'more toppings on and bake?? Really?

Took all of 2 minutes to mix and pop in the oven, and 20 minutes later, I had a pan of warm, gooey, delicious. Every one at work raved and the pan was empty in 5 minutes.

That's the way ALL or our awesome Country Gourmet Home mixes and experiences are. Most require 1-2 additional ingredients, a little mixing, and  you're done! I LOVE it! My CGH products are giving me my time back and helping me do the same for others.

Have a happy Spring everyone! Blessings!

Visit Mama Jo's Mixes at!