Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Sunday Of Summer Joy!

My July Tickle Your Taste Buds Special!

Happy Sunday friends! I am so happy to stop-in and say hi. I am having a beautiful Sunday with sunshine, heat, and 3 little stair step grand sons playing in the sprinkler out back. It's a classic, hot, Summer's day, and as the children prove once again, the simple pleasures are the best.

Today I bring you our Country Gourmet Home July bundle, an amazing array of flavors, textures, and smells! In this bundle I am so proud to announce our Cake Batter Fudge mix; White creamy fudge with a blast of cake batter! So simple to make, add milk and butter,microwaves for two minutes, and it's ready! This new recipe from CGH tastes as good as it looks and ranks high enough to be presented as your "new secret recipe". 

Cake Batter Fudge Is To Die For!
This bundle has decadence written all over it and simplicity too. I love our getting the bundles because not only can a cook a delicious meal and desert, but the wickless wax melt included sets the whole tone for the day in our house! Aromas of comfort waft through each room, and the delightful smells make every day a special day in our home!

I am also having a Give-A-Way on my Facebook Page for Mama Jo's Mixes!You can enter to win the June Tickle Your Taste Buds Bundle for FREE!
Just visit my FB page at and enter the Sweep!

Thank-you for stopping-by and here's prayers for you and your loved ones to have the best day ever!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our June Tickle Your Taste Buds Special!

S'Mores Brownie Mix is amazing!

Hi everyone! It has been way too long since I was here and I hope everyone is happy and well. I am working hard as usual and LOVING it. Spring is such an amazing time of awakening and renewal. We are in our new home and having so much fun making it our own. My husband has found a new love for working in the yard. It's a treat to watch he and our grandsons mowing "together", and trimming the bushes. Aidan pushes around an old mower and Eric pulls weeds from around the patio border. I am planting flowers again, my own little piece of Heaven. Gratitude is plentiful right now. God is every where.

This has been an amazing time to be a Country Gourmet home consultant too. As the business continues to flourish, the quality, convenience, and yumminess of out CGH products become a larger part of my family's life.   The affordability is so important right now, and being able to shop for products that don't make my wallet wail like a Banshee is a luxury.

Our Country Gourmet Home Summer fare is amazing, cutting time spent in hot kitchens and making more time for my family. I was yet again impressed last week.I had decided to prepare CGH S'mores brownies to take to work and share the next day, but the day got away from me and I found myself up way too late and feeling a whole lot of tired and sore. Grumbling, I grabbed the brownie mix bag from the cabinet and peered with one eye open at the dreaded directions for baking.

Wait...WHAT? Add a half a cup of water, stir, pour, sprinkle S'more toppings on and bake?? Really?

Took all of 2 minutes to mix and pop in the oven, and 20 minutes later, I had a pan of warm, gooey, delicious. Every one at work raved and the pan was empty in 5 minutes.

That's the way ALL or our awesome Country Gourmet Home mixes and experiences are. Most require 1-2 additional ingredients, a little mixing, and  you're done! I LOVE it! My CGH products are giving me my time back and helping me do the same for others.

Have a happy Spring everyone! Blessings!

Visit Mama Jo's Mixes at!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The TRUTH About The Mixes!

Our Whole Wheat Beer Bread! 6.95
I LOVE having my own businesses. One of the things I am proudest of is offering quality products that serve a purpose and make my customers feel good about spending their money, a rare commodity in this day and time.

I added Country Gourmet Home Mixes to my product line a few months ago because they are that product. Healthy, delicious, easy, and affordable. These mixes are developed, scrutinized, and chosen by the founders, a husband and wife team who are looking for a better life for their family and want to  share it with others. Amy and Shane, owners and founders of Country Gourmet Home, offer this review of our products:

Our Product Focus
How does a Country Gourmet Home Mix make it to the production table?  Not all of our mixes make it past our kitchen test. The process is actually quite detailed but here is a little bit about our product focus and how we decide what mixes to develop and market.
Our mixes have to pass the "kitchen staple" test. That means the only ingredients that the customer can put in the mix are kitchen items you already have on hand or it is time to go to the store. Our gourmet food mixes can only require water, milk, eggs, butter, sour cream or a protein source.
We use recipes from our family history and all time down home favlemonblueberrysconeorite dishes. Our gourmet scone mix is straight from the cupboards of a wonderful British family. We take time in creating simple comforting food mixes to ensure your family will be back for more.
We also use only real fruits and vegetables along with the highest quality herbs and spices to ensure that your mixes are top of the line. In addition each mix is made to order, your mixes arrive fresh and full of flavor.
We love to create mixes based off our customer requests. If you have a favorite recipe and would like us to create an easy to make food mix simply send it our way!

Whether you are looking for delicious meal and recipe ideas, or a way to make an additional income, you can not go wrong with this product or this company! We would be honored to make you part of our Country Gourmet Home Family!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

This Month's Tickle Your Taste-Buds Special! 24.50!

#562 Tickle Your Taste Buds Bundle - April Bundle

Bringing Back The Family Meal

Let's talk family. Family is a precious commodity in this day and time, and becoming more important by the minute. In these hard years, when so many are having to make ends meet and working so hard, many of us are working just as hard to chisel extra minutes in the day to be with our loved ones. Time that was taken for granted in times of prosperity have become precious again. Statistics show more and more families are choosing to "stay in",watch DVDs, play board games. The basics are becoming popular again. It's as if we are returning to a simpler time.
Our Amazing Beer Bread!

A favorite for me has always been meal time, especially dinner. I love cooking a huge meal for my family. Even more, I love the time spent visiting with them while we eat and then just be, letting our food settle, going over the events of the day. When our six children were little, it was a time for them to tell us how school went, spin fantasies about their magical day, and lock precious moments away in our memories. I can look back and literally watch them grow at the table. From booster seat where little heads barely peeked over the table, to long, gangly legs stretched to full length underneath.

Girlfriends and boyfriends were introduced at this table. New friends first became members of our family at this table. New babies were presented at this table. Words of wisdom were shared by my parents and my husband's Mother at this table. Over delicious meals made with love and joy, we all came to know each others hopes, dreams, fear, accomplishments, and upsets.

We had amazing brunches in the fall and the spring, celebrating the changing of the seasons and our lives. Held every Saturday, I would cook a six item menu, and the smell of bacon frying and biscuits baking would waft through the whole neighborhood. We often had 20 in for the meal, and it was such a wonderful sound to hear the front door open, time after time, as sweet voices call out they were there.

Sunday's were extra special, as were holidays. Why are meals fixed on Sunday after church so utterly amazing. Even the feel of the house is different. The day slows down to a delicious crawl. There is a peace that embraces all who enter. The end of one week, the dawn of another. There are so many things to discuss and celebrate, so much news to share.  The holidays were equally full of happiness and wonder. Of course, a circle of loved ones with satisfied tummys and sighs of yumminess were wonderful to me.The proverbial cherry on top.

All that changed four years ago when I had to go back to work. I often worked in the evenings. I can still hear my daughter Melissa calling me at work about four days in; "Mom, please stop working. Dad fixes supper and no one sits down to eat together." It broke my heart. Too soon, it became a regular part of life, a part I miss so much. I was sure I had witnessed the end of my own personal era. While all my children and grand children live within minutes of my house, I'm still working. Getting off at six in the evening makes it hard to get the family settled in for dinner, much less cook. My husband has been doing an amazing job taking over the chef duties. But still, it's not the same. I wondered if I would ever get back to that amazing time in my life with my family. No more big meals, no more amazing brunches.

Enter Country Gourmet Home. A selection of mixes for everything from my crock pot to desert to gravy and more. One of my girlfriends had become a consultant and I decided to add Country Gourmet to my product line at my gift shop. I actually purchased mixes for hostess parties, and had them stored in my kitchen cabinet. One night I came home from work to a warm, fresh loaf of beer bread and delicious home made dip. The beer bread looked like something off of the Paula Dean show; high and firm, with the most amazing mottled brown crust. The bean dip was decadent as we dipped white tortilla chips in and savored every bite. It was such a nice treat.

Easy Bean Dip!

"You did a great job honey!" I commented, "how long did it take you to make all that?'  He answered, "I used your mixes in the cabinet. There was nothing to it!" My mixes? REALLY? That evening I decided to make the 2 minute fudge and it took two minutes. I shared it with my co-workers the next day and they thought I had baked all evening. It was the mix and milk, stir, pour, refrigerate. I was hooked. Now CGH has become a way of life for me in the kitchen. They cut my time in half and allow me to use my imagination and make a mix my "own". I can whip-up a meal in minutes that tastes like I slaved for hours. I can be a part of our table time again, and watch as we create new moments.

Is Country Gourmet Home magic? NO. But the way it has simplified my life and my meals without sacrificing taste or quality is magical. Many of our mixes only require adding water! They are a hoot to prepare and play with by adding your own "extras." They are great way to introduce your sons and daughters to cooking in the kitchen.  It has given me options as a working Mother and wife I thought were lost to days past. It's easy, fun, and good for us. It's also food for our tummies, and our souls.
Shredded Pork Seasoning!

Let Country Gourmet Home bring you and your family back to the table, and back to home cooked meals. It's time to start making memories again!